1st August 2012
A dull dampish start. The herd had spread themselves across 3 fields but all well and happy. Took Flo out through the top gate and pass the stables then took her for a walk right down the lane to the lower hay field, around the field for a bit and then back up the lane. Back to the school and then returned her to the herd. Lou and Dylan came up for a chat. Chris made a cuppa and once we had finished chatting Lou and Dylan went home and Chris went and bought in Fergus, she lunged him for a while in the school, I then trimmed his feet when I finished he re-joined the herd. Mandy turned up just as Chris was bringing in Nounnat as it was her turn to have her feet trimmed, once I had finished I did a bit of ground work with her whilst Mandy groomed William. We then returned them both to the herd. Love, Tower and Roy came into the school as they were standing by the back gate, I trimmed Love's feet then played with all three of them for a while in the school, took a few photos and then returned them to the herd. Time for lunch. Down to the workshop to cut a few bits for the saddlechariot. Chris went and bought in Dougal and I trimmed his feet, once I had finished we returned him to the herd, it was now time to do a bit more with Flo. Ran the file around the edges of her feet to tidy them up then walked her down the lane to look at the London Trolley as she was a bit concerned about it this morning and true to form in Flo's normal style 'oh yes, I saw that this morning', back to the school, tacked her up, long lined her around a few times then worked on bringing her through the door as she seems to have a bit of a problem being long lined out but going back in is no problem, returned her to the herd. Off to pick up some harness parts to send off to Simon. The end to another physically hard foot trimming day!!
2nd August 2012
It was a really lovely start but soon turned incredibly yuk!! Went around all the horses and they were all fine. It was then a day of DIY, catching up on all those jobs you leave for another day!! At least I was in the dry!! Finished the jobs, went down to the workshop to do some more odd jobs. I then took Flo around the Agility field, down the lane and then returned her to the herd, she liked having the day off!! A busy odd job day!!
3rd August 2012
A bit of a cold damp start. Checked all of the horses, it looks like Kevin has his own little group, Honey, Mavis, Mel and Mattie plus any other mare that happens to be in season, they all seem to fancy him, thank goodness he has been gelded!!! They do inter mingle with absolutely no problem. Back to the work shop to get on with some bits and pieces while Chris worked Flo around the Agility field and then took her for a walk. Chris then bought in Fergus, lunged him for a bit then took him for a ride, when she got back she started to trim the brambles that are growing over the water boards fence. I finished the bits and pieces in the workshop and parcelled them up ready for collection on Monday. Sally came up and did some ground work with Winnie. Time for lunch and a cuppa. Bought Flo in, did a bit of work in the school with her pulling the levelling hurdle around, to begin with she seemed to be on auto pilot and the oddest of things were almost waking her up. After a couple of laps she woke up and was then on a mission to get things finished!! I returned her to the herd. Time to get on with some e-mails etc and being Friday my turn to cook dinner!!
4th August 2012
A dry start, then the heavens opened once more in the afternoon. I checked all the horses, there was a bit of a rumpus between Kevin and some of the other geldings but nothing serious. Chris bought Flo in and groomed her. I longlined her in and around the iBex in the school, with lots of the herd watching her over the gate, then took her down the lane, the flies were really bothering her. Went back into the school, untacked her and she re-joined the herd. Got on with some more of them DIY jobs in the house as it was tipping down. Made a new set of long lines with a quick release feature to go with the iBex so we bought Flo in and tried them out, they work incredibly well but will continue to test them with other size horses and different situations.
Returned her to the herd and called it a day.
5th August 2012
Started off dry and sunny but it didn't last for long. Checked all the horses, they were well spread out. Off to Cardiff to see Jo and Patrick's new home. We spent the day there with me doing yet more DIY jobs, leaving Chris to look after the yard.
6th August 2012
Reasonably good start to the morning then torrential rain and then a reasonable evening!!! All the horses are well. Off to town to sort a few things out. When I got back it was tipping down so decided to have a cuppa and some lunch. Chris bought Fergus in and we did a bit of ground work, returned him to the herd and bought Sweetpea in. She is a funny little horse, she always gives the impression that she is very willing and then for no apparent reason gets her knickers in a twist, long lined her and worked her around the school, trying lots of different head collars and she works perfectly, then all of a sudden when you ask her to stand she is up on her back legs, up on her front legs without moving backwards and forwards at all, once I growl at her she stands still. Most of the time she is very light on the rein, by the end of the session we had got the whole situation more or less to where we both understood each other, we returned her to the herd, time for the inevitable cuppa!! Sally came up, she bought Winnie into the school and we bought Flo in as she wanted to teach Winnie to long line and she thought watching Flo would help, after doing the inevitable turning back onto the lines she began to understand what was wanted of her, with Sally on the lines and me by her head with Chris long lining Flo, Sally ended on a very positive note with Winnie and returned her to the herd. I then long lined Flo a couple of times around the school pulling the levelling hurdle, took the traces and hurdle off, put the saddlechariot on and took her around the school a few more times. Once she had settled down pulling it, I gave her lots of praise and returned her to the herd. A few phone calls and a couple of e-mails then get dinner ready as Pam was working late.
7th, 8th & 9th August 2012
The weather has continued to improve considerably over the last 3 days ending up lovely and warm. Tuesday's work was very similar, working Flo and Sweetpea, with odd bits and pieces having to be done in the workshop. In the evening our Nephew Glenn his partner Kim and their daughter Eddie came to visit and staying for ther night, Dan, Kelly and Amber-Leigh came over and we all had dinner together. Wednesday, we worked Flo and Sweetpea quite early as Mandy with William, Sally with Roh and Chris with Fergus all went on a long ride, they were gone for about 3 hours. While they were gone I stripped my chain saw down and gave it a good service and sharpened the chain, all ready now for cutting the winter logs!! Once the girls had got back and put the horses out Chris and I bought Flo in, we worked her in the saddlechariot for quite a while and then returned her to the herd. Chuck has now got into the habit of standing by the school gate and shouting at her, Flo takes absolutely no notice. Thursday morning we worked Sweetpea first taking her around the Agility course, most of which she said 'No' to, we then bought her into the school and continued with the ground work and then long lined her, which she is now very good with except when you ask her to stand, she thinks stand means move about in the same area with out moving forward or backward!! We finished in the school on a positive note with her standing in one place and not moving to the count of 20, I then long lined her down the lane to the gate, occasionally with Chris at her head to give her some guidance, on the way back she knew exactly where she was going at one point she did a very nice canter at a slow walk (This is the only way I describe how she moved). We returned her to the herd. On the way up Mary passed us and I asked her to put the kettle on!! After tea Chris got Flo and took her around the Agility course and bought her into the school, she gave her a good groom, lunged and long lined her for a while and then Kevin came to the gate and I thought this might be a good time to have the 2 in the school together, Flo wasn't overly impressed, I guess he's not her best friend even if he is her brother, ears back and that go away look every time he went any where near her, having the odd canter around the school and then Kevin going into superb extended trot. Once they had settled down a bit I did some ground work with Kevin, picked his feet and then returned him to the herd. We tacked up Flo and put her in the saddlechariot but she wanted to do everything at break neck speed!! Most of the time she works quite happily pulling it around at normal speed, when I got the perfect lap I decided it was a good note to finish on and returned her to the herd. There was a few e-mails to do and a relatively long phone call to Simon!! Sally came up and took Roh for a walk. Once I had finished doing office things it was time to do Flo again. I went to get her and she was right over the other side of the hay field, she wandered up to me and I bought her into the school, Chris lunged her for a while and she appeared not to be listening, I then took over and she definitely wasn't listening, I worked with her for a while until she was, I then long lined her around the school, most of the time she was listening but gave me the impression of 'Lets get on with it' I tacked her up, she was reluctant to move to start with but she unlocked her legs and decided it wasn't that bad, the first 2 circuits were really good, she then did the next circuit as fast as possible with me insisting we wouldn't!! by the time we got to the 5th circuit she was good, head down and totally under control, I returned her to the herd and went off to pick up a horse trailer from Carol.
10th August 2012
A good warm start to the day. Up nice and early to get the horses done before it got too hot. Worked Sweetpea, Flo and Dougal. Off to town while Chris watered the school. When I got back it was cuppa time then load up the tractor and trailer with all the fencing gear to repair the fences adjacent to the common land. I think post knocking in should be an olympic sport and they should hold it here!!! On the way back I gathered some fire wood. It was now time to work Flo again, she was a lot more at ease tonight. It was a busy tiring day.
11th August 2012
A misty start with a heavy dew. An early start this morning, all the horses were close by so easy to check. Worked Flo first then it was time to get the trailer ready as I was taking Roh and Winnie to The Lower Chapel Show for Sally, its a great little show ideal for Winnie's first trip out. We all had a great time, I met some old friends. Time to come home. This was a really good learning curve for Winnie. Unloaded the horses and had a cuppa. Sally cleaned out the horse box while I got on and made Flo a new collar. We bought her into the school the long way round so she could have a munch on the hedgerow on the way in, lunged her for a while and tacked her up then drove her in the chariot with the PA playing music at a reasonable volume, she did extremely well. The amount of work we are doing with her is really paying off. Time now to catch up with the e-mails and have dinner.
12th August 2012
Incredibly wet start but brightening up by mid morning. It was an early start to get the Horse Agility field ready for the fun day, not the biggest turn out of people, Carol with Love and Tower, Chris with Fergus, Pam with Dougal and me with Flo we all had a good time. We put Fergus, Dougal and Flo back in with the herd then took Love and Tower into the school where Carol and I lunged Love around the school and over a few jumps, Tower was his usual pain!! Carol groomed Love and then returned her to the herd.Time for a cuppa and a chat for a while. Sally came up for a ride on Roh and Chris joined her on Fergus. When they got back we bought Flo in and did some work with her.
13th August 2012
Chris and I checked the horses and by the time we got back Robert our new volunteer had turned up. While I had a chat with him about the things I wanted him to do Chris went and bought Flo in, we took her for a walk down the lane, letting her have a munch on the hedgerow on the way back, there is an abundance of thistle heads at the moment, one of her favourites. I then took her into the Agility field and around the obstacles. Into the school where I harnessed her up and put her into the iBex, did some work with her, she was very good. We are playing different types of music while working Flo through the PA System to encourage her to listen to me closely, even with lots of other things going on. I returned her to the herd. Chris then bought Sweetpea in, we long lined her around the school for a while then took her down the lane. Mary turned up while we were down the lane. We returned with Sweetpea and Chris long lined her around the school a few times, we untacked her, gave her a good groom, picked her feet and returned her to the herd. Meanwhile Mary was making a cuppa, we all had a cuppa and a chat. Once we had finished our tea Chris bought Fergus into the school, Mary and Robert joined us, we lunged him around the school popping him over the jump a few times then Chris tacked him up and rode him around and got him into trot quite a bit, she then untacked him and tacked him up with the chariot harness and long lined him around the school, it didn't take him too long to accept it. We then untacked him and I realised he had a slight concern about rattly tin cans so I familiarised him with these and in a very short time he was pushing them around with his nose!! We put him out, he was a bit reluctant to go as it was tipping down with rain!! Chris then went and got Dougal, we tacked him up and long lined him around the school, Mary gave him a go. We then put a collar on him and breaching and long lined him again, he totally accepted this. I hitched up the traces and he pulled the tyre around the school. We swapped the tyre for the hurdle and he pulled that around as if he had always done it. We untacked him and returned him to the herd, it was time for Mary to go. We had a cuppa and a slice of cake. Time to get Flo in once again, we gave her a good groom and Chris rode her around the school bare back with Robert and me watching. We put her into the iBex doing ever decreasing circles, we then returned her to the herd. Robert went home and then I was off to a client to sort out an absess in one of her horses feet. Long day, late finish but very productive and enjoyable.
14th August 2012
A reasonably warm day. Continued to work Flo, Sweetpea and Dougal. Chris did a bit with Fergus. I lunged Flo over some jumps and she managed to clear 3 ft. Worked a bit in the workshop designing Flo a new bridle. Worked Flo again and then an early day as I'm still trying to get over yesterdays long day!!
15th August 2012
Not a bad start to the day but then the rain started with a vengeance and finally stopped at around 3pm. After checking the horses Chris managed to get Flo in before the downpours started. We spent all the morning playing with Flo doing all sorts of things, giving her a break when the rain hitting the roof got too noisy. She was a true gem, doing everything I asked without hesitation or question. It was lunchtime when we returned her to the herd. She wasn't overly keen on going out into the rain until she remembered all her mates were out there already!! Spent all afternoon re-organising the back wall of the school where we keep all our tack and odds and ends for training. Fitted new saddle racks, new hangers, a shelf and put up the first aid cupboard, human and horse!! It was time for a cuppa before we bought Dougal in, thank goodness the weather had changed and he was dry!! We worked him in long lines and harness, it won't be long before he will be pulling the saddlechariot and iBex. Time to get Flo back in again, a bit of gentle work, slow walking, gentle trot and popped her over a couple of jumps not too high tonight. Thank goodness I only got wet twice today which is good forward planning on my part as the last one was in the shower!!!
16th August 2012
A bright start but then the odd shower. A quick check of the horses and off to a clients yard to trim feet. This took the majority of the day. On my return I checked the horses and time for dinner. Flo and some of the others had a day off!!
17th August 2012
Another lovely!!! wet day! Wasn't quite so lucky today in staying dry!! It absolutely teemed down while I was checking the horses this morning, they appeared to be oblivious to it and carried on eating. Popped into town for a short while. When I got back decided to have a cuppa and wait for it to dry up a bit before bringing Flo in. Chrissie popped up for a chat, by the time she went it was still raining so decided to bring Flo in anyway. I dried her off as best I could, tacked her up and put her in the iBex, in a totally different position in the school than normal. This appeared to puzzle her a bit, having to pull off on the left rein instead of the right, whilst working with Flo Sally popped up to do a bit with Winnie. Took Flo around the school a few times, took the chariot off, fitted the traces and she pulled the hurdle about for a while. We then took all her bits off and Chris long lined her. Sally then came into the school looking like a drowned rat she had walked Winnie down and up the lane. We put Flo out and Sally bought Roh in to have a ride around the school for a while. During this time I had lunch. Got on with making up some chests to store the horse feed in. I intended to bring Flo back in for some more work but it was raining so heavy I decided to leave her where she was and call it a day.
18th August 2012
A pretty overcast chilly morning but ending quite hot. Checked the horses, they had all found their way into the agility field, none were practising though!!! Did a bit of office work before bringing Flo in. Did all sorts of work with her, still trying to find a bridle that I like and she likes, so still using the old faithful knotted head collar. Returned her to the herd and had some lunch. Let Love and Tower wander freely on the yard to have a munch on some of the herbs and grass. Down to the workshop to do some jobs. Time to get Flo again, returned Love and Tower to the herd then took Flo through the agility field. Down the lane for a walk allowing her to have the occasional munch on the verges. Back to the school to try her new girth that allows the shaft to sit slightly higher, round the school a few times and she appeared to be far happier with the slightly highered shafts. Put her back in with the herd and time for dinner.
19th August 2012
Cloudy, overcast and drizzly but turned out sunny and warm. Checked the herd that were all well spread out but happy. Bought Love and Tower up to graze around the yard. Bought Flo into the school and worked her before having to go off to a client to check a horse for a potential absess. Got back in time for a cuppa, slice of cake and a chat with Carol who had come up to give Love a bit of a fuss. Time to work Flo again. Around the Agility field, a munch up the lane then into the school for tacking up, long lined her down the lane with clattery things behind her, back to the school and into the iBex, we worked on ever decreasing circles and then she re-joined the herd. Chris went and got Love and Tower to return them to the herd for the night. Now time for Sunday dinner!!
20th August 2012
Another overcast drizzly start but soon turned out nice, sunny and warm. Checked the horses, they were adjacent to the school so that was nice and easy!! Robert came up and started to clear the under growth from around the stables. Chris and I got on with doing some work with Sweetpea. She is coming really very well. Mary came up and watched us working Sweetpea for a while. Whilst Chris put Sweetpea back into the herd and bought in Dougal Mary made a cuppa and Robert joined us. We long lined Dougal around the school and Mary had a go, we then tacked him up and drove him around the school pulling the tyre. Put him back into the herd and It was then time to bring Flo in. Chris lunged her for a bit then we put her into the saddlechariot familiarising her with the quick release, as usual she only went about three paces after she was released. We returned her to the herd as I had to pop into town to pick up a few bits before some people came to look at Fergus. They were here for quite a while, they bought him in groomed him, tacked him up and rode him around the school, they then went off up the Crug. They seemed to really love him. They left and it was time to bring Flo in for her second session. This time we put her into the iBex and practised her ever decreasing circles again. I returned her to the herd then indoors as it was my turn to prepare dinner as Pam was working late.
21st August 2012
Showers on and off all day. Checked the horses then worked Flo, Sweetpea and Dougal in the school. Mary long lined Sweetpea around the school for a bit. Sally came up and worked Winnie then rode Roh. I started to work Flo in the field with the iBex. The breaching pushing on her when I ask her to stop is giving her something to think about. Doesn't sound a lot but did take all day.
22nd August 2012
Drizzly start then heavy showers. Managed to do all the outside work in the dry!! Checked all the horses and bought Flo out of the field and worked her on and off all day, sometimes in the school and sometimes in the field. I worked her in the field in the saddlechariot. Made a new Horse Agility obstacle for this weekends competition. Worked Dougal in the school with Flo watching, he is a much slower, steadier horse than Flo!! Chris long lined Sweetpea around the school a few times then we tacked her up and in a very short while she was happy pulling the tyre around the school. Allowing Flo to graze around the yard and doing quite a lot of 10-15 minute sessions with her always ending on a positive note she improved vastly throughout the day. She very rarely puts a foot wrong but sometimes doesn't quite understand the question.
23rd August 2012
A reasonable day although a bit overcast. Checked the horses, they are all very happy and there seems to be a flush of new grass!! Mary came up and I bought Kevin in, I did some basic ground work with him. I am going to get him ready to drive the saddlechariot and iBex. We are now working Flo, Dougal, Sweetpea and Kevin. Once I had finished Kevin we returned him to the herd and bought Dougal out, we worked him for a while then returned him to the herd and bought Sweepea in. Mary long lined her, we put all her harness on to get her to pull the tyre around the school a few times which she is now comfortable and familiar with. We returned her to the herd and Chris bought Flo in. I drove her around the field in the saddlechariot a few times, she has got the gist of this now. I let her have a munch on the grass around the yard while I had some lunch. After lunch I took Flo for a walk down the lane and on the way back Chris took her around the agility course, up to the school where I tacked her up and took her into the field and drove her around in the saddlechariot. I untacked her and decided to take her for a ride in the trailer, we went around the field a few times then up the lane and unloaded her, this was her first ride and she coped very well. We then put her back into the herd. The end to another busy, good day!!
24th August 2012
Yuk, yuk, yuk and yuk all day!! Checked the horses then off to town. When I got back we bought in Ash trimmed her feet and did a bit of ground work with her. Time for lunch. Finished lunch and bought in Dougal, Chris gave him a good groom then she long lined him down the lane and back through the field, I then lunged him, Chris did some work with him off line. While he was in I tidied up his back feet. Put him back into the herd and I bought Flo in. Didn't do a lot with her today, I groomed her and gave her feathers a good wash to get rid of all that mud, probably a waste of time but at least she was clean and fresh for a while!! We returned her to the herd who must have known a storm was coming as they all appeared to manicly try and get into the right field, I guess for the shelter. Flo and Frodo were oblivious to what was going on and continued to graze!! I decided I had been cold and wet enough for one day and went into the warm.
25th August 2012
A misty dull start this morning more like October!! What was forecast as being a terrible day turned out to be a reasonably good one. Checked all the horses and then worked Flo, returned her to the herd and then worked Dougal. Time for lunch. After lunch I prepared a couple of obstacles for tomorrows Horse Agility. Spent the rest of the day sawing logs ready for the winter!!
26th August 2012
At last a lovely dry, warm day. Up nice and early to get the Agility Course set up. Checked the horses and they were dotted everywhere enjoying the sun. Carol and Mandy arrived so we all had a cuppa then off to get horses. Chris bought in Flo, Mandy got William, Carol gave Love the day off and fetched in Ash, Chris got Dougal for Pam and I got Mel. We all went into the Agility field and had some practice. It was the first time Ash had had a go at Horse Agility, Carol took it nice and slow with lots of encouragement and Ash was very good. Mary turned up which gave us enough numbers to have a competition. The competition went really well with Ash doing most of the obstacles, Mary did very well with Mel and has improved tremendously with a lot looser line. Mandy and William were their usual confident selves, Pam slowly getting the gist of it!! Chris and Flo were doing really well until they got to the seesaw and Flo decided she didn't want to do it regardless of what anybody said!! Mandy and William 1st, Pam and Dougal 2nd, Chris and Flo 3rd with Carol and Ash, Mary and Mel getting a special rosette for a really good effort. Time for a cuppa, biscuit and chat. Chris bought Fergus in and took him for a ride. Mary, Carol and Mandy left. I had lunch then got on with cutting logs. The end to a super day.
27th August 2012
It was wet and not very warm today. Checked the horses, they were all still spread about!! Rob came up and continued clearing the brambles whilst Chris, Mary and I bought in Love, Tower and Roy, we spent the morning getting Tower use to a head collar which Chris slowly put on him, with lots of guidance from me. Mary picked Love's feet, Rob watched during his lunch break. We took the lead line off of Tower while we had a cuppa and lunch. After lunch we put the lead rope back on Tower and Chris and I took it in turns to lead him around the school, he's a super little hero! We then put all 3 of them out and bought Flo in. Chris groomed, long lined, lunged and rode her around the school whilst I made some phone calls. Chris then tacked her up in her driving harness and we levelled out the school. Time for me to do dinner as it was Pam's late night.
A dull dampish start. The herd had spread themselves across 3 fields but all well and happy. Took Flo out through the top gate and pass the stables then took her for a walk right down the lane to the lower hay field, around the field for a bit and then back up the lane. Back to the school and then returned her to the herd. Lou and Dylan came up for a chat. Chris made a cuppa and once we had finished chatting Lou and Dylan went home and Chris went and bought in Fergus, she lunged him for a while in the school, I then trimmed his feet when I finished he re-joined the herd. Mandy turned up just as Chris was bringing in Nounnat as it was her turn to have her feet trimmed, once I had finished I did a bit of ground work with her whilst Mandy groomed William. We then returned them both to the herd. Love, Tower and Roy came into the school as they were standing by the back gate, I trimmed Love's feet then played with all three of them for a while in the school, took a few photos and then returned them to the herd. Time for lunch. Down to the workshop to cut a few bits for the saddlechariot. Chris went and bought in Dougal and I trimmed his feet, once I had finished we returned him to the herd, it was now time to do a bit more with Flo. Ran the file around the edges of her feet to tidy them up then walked her down the lane to look at the London Trolley as she was a bit concerned about it this morning and true to form in Flo's normal style 'oh yes, I saw that this morning', back to the school, tacked her up, long lined her around a few times then worked on bringing her through the door as she seems to have a bit of a problem being long lined out but going back in is no problem, returned her to the herd. Off to pick up some harness parts to send off to Simon. The end to another physically hard foot trimming day!!
2nd August 2012
It was a really lovely start but soon turned incredibly yuk!! Went around all the horses and they were all fine. It was then a day of DIY, catching up on all those jobs you leave for another day!! At least I was in the dry!! Finished the jobs, went down to the workshop to do some more odd jobs. I then took Flo around the Agility field, down the lane and then returned her to the herd, she liked having the day off!! A busy odd job day!!
3rd August 2012
A bit of a cold damp start. Checked all of the horses, it looks like Kevin has his own little group, Honey, Mavis, Mel and Mattie plus any other mare that happens to be in season, they all seem to fancy him, thank goodness he has been gelded!!! They do inter mingle with absolutely no problem. Back to the work shop to get on with some bits and pieces while Chris worked Flo around the Agility field and then took her for a walk. Chris then bought in Fergus, lunged him for a bit then took him for a ride, when she got back she started to trim the brambles that are growing over the water boards fence. I finished the bits and pieces in the workshop and parcelled them up ready for collection on Monday. Sally came up and did some ground work with Winnie. Time for lunch and a cuppa. Bought Flo in, did a bit of work in the school with her pulling the levelling hurdle around, to begin with she seemed to be on auto pilot and the oddest of things were almost waking her up. After a couple of laps she woke up and was then on a mission to get things finished!! I returned her to the herd. Time to get on with some e-mails etc and being Friday my turn to cook dinner!!
4th August 2012
A dry start, then the heavens opened once more in the afternoon. I checked all the horses, there was a bit of a rumpus between Kevin and some of the other geldings but nothing serious. Chris bought Flo in and groomed her. I longlined her in and around the iBex in the school, with lots of the herd watching her over the gate, then took her down the lane, the flies were really bothering her. Went back into the school, untacked her and she re-joined the herd. Got on with some more of them DIY jobs in the house as it was tipping down. Made a new set of long lines with a quick release feature to go with the iBex so we bought Flo in and tried them out, they work incredibly well but will continue to test them with other size horses and different situations.
Returned her to the herd and called it a day.
5th August 2012
Started off dry and sunny but it didn't last for long. Checked all the horses, they were well spread out. Off to Cardiff to see Jo and Patrick's new home. We spent the day there with me doing yet more DIY jobs, leaving Chris to look after the yard.
6th August 2012
Reasonably good start to the morning then torrential rain and then a reasonable evening!!! All the horses are well. Off to town to sort a few things out. When I got back it was tipping down so decided to have a cuppa and some lunch. Chris bought Fergus in and we did a bit of ground work, returned him to the herd and bought Sweetpea in. She is a funny little horse, she always gives the impression that she is very willing and then for no apparent reason gets her knickers in a twist, long lined her and worked her around the school, trying lots of different head collars and she works perfectly, then all of a sudden when you ask her to stand she is up on her back legs, up on her front legs without moving backwards and forwards at all, once I growl at her she stands still. Most of the time she is very light on the rein, by the end of the session we had got the whole situation more or less to where we both understood each other, we returned her to the herd, time for the inevitable cuppa!! Sally came up, she bought Winnie into the school and we bought Flo in as she wanted to teach Winnie to long line and she thought watching Flo would help, after doing the inevitable turning back onto the lines she began to understand what was wanted of her, with Sally on the lines and me by her head with Chris long lining Flo, Sally ended on a very positive note with Winnie and returned her to the herd. I then long lined Flo a couple of times around the school pulling the levelling hurdle, took the traces and hurdle off, put the saddlechariot on and took her around the school a few more times. Once she had settled down pulling it, I gave her lots of praise and returned her to the herd. A few phone calls and a couple of e-mails then get dinner ready as Pam was working late.
7th, 8th & 9th August 2012
The weather has continued to improve considerably over the last 3 days ending up lovely and warm. Tuesday's work was very similar, working Flo and Sweetpea, with odd bits and pieces having to be done in the workshop. In the evening our Nephew Glenn his partner Kim and their daughter Eddie came to visit and staying for ther night, Dan, Kelly and Amber-Leigh came over and we all had dinner together. Wednesday, we worked Flo and Sweetpea quite early as Mandy with William, Sally with Roh and Chris with Fergus all went on a long ride, they were gone for about 3 hours. While they were gone I stripped my chain saw down and gave it a good service and sharpened the chain, all ready now for cutting the winter logs!! Once the girls had got back and put the horses out Chris and I bought Flo in, we worked her in the saddlechariot for quite a while and then returned her to the herd. Chuck has now got into the habit of standing by the school gate and shouting at her, Flo takes absolutely no notice. Thursday morning we worked Sweetpea first taking her around the Agility course, most of which she said 'No' to, we then bought her into the school and continued with the ground work and then long lined her, which she is now very good with except when you ask her to stand, she thinks stand means move about in the same area with out moving forward or backward!! We finished in the school on a positive note with her standing in one place and not moving to the count of 20, I then long lined her down the lane to the gate, occasionally with Chris at her head to give her some guidance, on the way back she knew exactly where she was going at one point she did a very nice canter at a slow walk (This is the only way I describe how she moved). We returned her to the herd. On the way up Mary passed us and I asked her to put the kettle on!! After tea Chris got Flo and took her around the Agility course and bought her into the school, she gave her a good groom, lunged and long lined her for a while and then Kevin came to the gate and I thought this might be a good time to have the 2 in the school together, Flo wasn't overly impressed, I guess he's not her best friend even if he is her brother, ears back and that go away look every time he went any where near her, having the odd canter around the school and then Kevin going into superb extended trot. Once they had settled down a bit I did some ground work with Kevin, picked his feet and then returned him to the herd. We tacked up Flo and put her in the saddlechariot but she wanted to do everything at break neck speed!! Most of the time she works quite happily pulling it around at normal speed, when I got the perfect lap I decided it was a good note to finish on and returned her to the herd. There was a few e-mails to do and a relatively long phone call to Simon!! Sally came up and took Roh for a walk. Once I had finished doing office things it was time to do Flo again. I went to get her and she was right over the other side of the hay field, she wandered up to me and I bought her into the school, Chris lunged her for a while and she appeared not to be listening, I then took over and she definitely wasn't listening, I worked with her for a while until she was, I then long lined her around the school, most of the time she was listening but gave me the impression of 'Lets get on with it' I tacked her up, she was reluctant to move to start with but she unlocked her legs and decided it wasn't that bad, the first 2 circuits were really good, she then did the next circuit as fast as possible with me insisting we wouldn't!! by the time we got to the 5th circuit she was good, head down and totally under control, I returned her to the herd and went off to pick up a horse trailer from Carol.
10th August 2012
A good warm start to the day. Up nice and early to get the horses done before it got too hot. Worked Sweetpea, Flo and Dougal. Off to town while Chris watered the school. When I got back it was cuppa time then load up the tractor and trailer with all the fencing gear to repair the fences adjacent to the common land. I think post knocking in should be an olympic sport and they should hold it here!!! On the way back I gathered some fire wood. It was now time to work Flo again, she was a lot more at ease tonight. It was a busy tiring day.
11th August 2012
A misty start with a heavy dew. An early start this morning, all the horses were close by so easy to check. Worked Flo first then it was time to get the trailer ready as I was taking Roh and Winnie to The Lower Chapel Show for Sally, its a great little show ideal for Winnie's first trip out. We all had a great time, I met some old friends. Time to come home. This was a really good learning curve for Winnie. Unloaded the horses and had a cuppa. Sally cleaned out the horse box while I got on and made Flo a new collar. We bought her into the school the long way round so she could have a munch on the hedgerow on the way in, lunged her for a while and tacked her up then drove her in the chariot with the PA playing music at a reasonable volume, she did extremely well. The amount of work we are doing with her is really paying off. Time now to catch up with the e-mails and have dinner.
12th August 2012
Incredibly wet start but brightening up by mid morning. It was an early start to get the Horse Agility field ready for the fun day, not the biggest turn out of people, Carol with Love and Tower, Chris with Fergus, Pam with Dougal and me with Flo we all had a good time. We put Fergus, Dougal and Flo back in with the herd then took Love and Tower into the school where Carol and I lunged Love around the school and over a few jumps, Tower was his usual pain!! Carol groomed Love and then returned her to the herd.Time for a cuppa and a chat for a while. Sally came up for a ride on Roh and Chris joined her on Fergus. When they got back we bought Flo in and did some work with her.
13th August 2012
Chris and I checked the horses and by the time we got back Robert our new volunteer had turned up. While I had a chat with him about the things I wanted him to do Chris went and bought Flo in, we took her for a walk down the lane, letting her have a munch on the hedgerow on the way back, there is an abundance of thistle heads at the moment, one of her favourites. I then took her into the Agility field and around the obstacles. Into the school where I harnessed her up and put her into the iBex, did some work with her, she was very good. We are playing different types of music while working Flo through the PA System to encourage her to listen to me closely, even with lots of other things going on. I returned her to the herd. Chris then bought Sweetpea in, we long lined her around the school for a while then took her down the lane. Mary turned up while we were down the lane. We returned with Sweetpea and Chris long lined her around the school a few times, we untacked her, gave her a good groom, picked her feet and returned her to the herd. Meanwhile Mary was making a cuppa, we all had a cuppa and a chat. Once we had finished our tea Chris bought Fergus into the school, Mary and Robert joined us, we lunged him around the school popping him over the jump a few times then Chris tacked him up and rode him around and got him into trot quite a bit, she then untacked him and tacked him up with the chariot harness and long lined him around the school, it didn't take him too long to accept it. We then untacked him and I realised he had a slight concern about rattly tin cans so I familiarised him with these and in a very short time he was pushing them around with his nose!! We put him out, he was a bit reluctant to go as it was tipping down with rain!! Chris then went and got Dougal, we tacked him up and long lined him around the school, Mary gave him a go. We then put a collar on him and breaching and long lined him again, he totally accepted this. I hitched up the traces and he pulled the tyre around the school. We swapped the tyre for the hurdle and he pulled that around as if he had always done it. We untacked him and returned him to the herd, it was time for Mary to go. We had a cuppa and a slice of cake. Time to get Flo in once again, we gave her a good groom and Chris rode her around the school bare back with Robert and me watching. We put her into the iBex doing ever decreasing circles, we then returned her to the herd. Robert went home and then I was off to a client to sort out an absess in one of her horses feet. Long day, late finish but very productive and enjoyable.
14th August 2012
A reasonably warm day. Continued to work Flo, Sweetpea and Dougal. Chris did a bit with Fergus. I lunged Flo over some jumps and she managed to clear 3 ft. Worked a bit in the workshop designing Flo a new bridle. Worked Flo again and then an early day as I'm still trying to get over yesterdays long day!!
15th August 2012
Not a bad start to the day but then the rain started with a vengeance and finally stopped at around 3pm. After checking the horses Chris managed to get Flo in before the downpours started. We spent all the morning playing with Flo doing all sorts of things, giving her a break when the rain hitting the roof got too noisy. She was a true gem, doing everything I asked without hesitation or question. It was lunchtime when we returned her to the herd. She wasn't overly keen on going out into the rain until she remembered all her mates were out there already!! Spent all afternoon re-organising the back wall of the school where we keep all our tack and odds and ends for training. Fitted new saddle racks, new hangers, a shelf and put up the first aid cupboard, human and horse!! It was time for a cuppa before we bought Dougal in, thank goodness the weather had changed and he was dry!! We worked him in long lines and harness, it won't be long before he will be pulling the saddlechariot and iBex. Time to get Flo back in again, a bit of gentle work, slow walking, gentle trot and popped her over a couple of jumps not too high tonight. Thank goodness I only got wet twice today which is good forward planning on my part as the last one was in the shower!!!
16th August 2012
A bright start but then the odd shower. A quick check of the horses and off to a clients yard to trim feet. This took the majority of the day. On my return I checked the horses and time for dinner. Flo and some of the others had a day off!!
17th August 2012
Another lovely!!! wet day! Wasn't quite so lucky today in staying dry!! It absolutely teemed down while I was checking the horses this morning, they appeared to be oblivious to it and carried on eating. Popped into town for a short while. When I got back decided to have a cuppa and wait for it to dry up a bit before bringing Flo in. Chrissie popped up for a chat, by the time she went it was still raining so decided to bring Flo in anyway. I dried her off as best I could, tacked her up and put her in the iBex, in a totally different position in the school than normal. This appeared to puzzle her a bit, having to pull off on the left rein instead of the right, whilst working with Flo Sally popped up to do a bit with Winnie. Took Flo around the school a few times, took the chariot off, fitted the traces and she pulled the hurdle about for a while. We then took all her bits off and Chris long lined her. Sally then came into the school looking like a drowned rat she had walked Winnie down and up the lane. We put Flo out and Sally bought Roh in to have a ride around the school for a while. During this time I had lunch. Got on with making up some chests to store the horse feed in. I intended to bring Flo back in for some more work but it was raining so heavy I decided to leave her where she was and call it a day.
18th August 2012
A pretty overcast chilly morning but ending quite hot. Checked the horses, they had all found their way into the agility field, none were practising though!!! Did a bit of office work before bringing Flo in. Did all sorts of work with her, still trying to find a bridle that I like and she likes, so still using the old faithful knotted head collar. Returned her to the herd and had some lunch. Let Love and Tower wander freely on the yard to have a munch on some of the herbs and grass. Down to the workshop to do some jobs. Time to get Flo again, returned Love and Tower to the herd then took Flo through the agility field. Down the lane for a walk allowing her to have the occasional munch on the verges. Back to the school to try her new girth that allows the shaft to sit slightly higher, round the school a few times and she appeared to be far happier with the slightly highered shafts. Put her back in with the herd and time for dinner.
19th August 2012
Cloudy, overcast and drizzly but turned out sunny and warm. Checked the herd that were all well spread out but happy. Bought Love and Tower up to graze around the yard. Bought Flo into the school and worked her before having to go off to a client to check a horse for a potential absess. Got back in time for a cuppa, slice of cake and a chat with Carol who had come up to give Love a bit of a fuss. Time to work Flo again. Around the Agility field, a munch up the lane then into the school for tacking up, long lined her down the lane with clattery things behind her, back to the school and into the iBex, we worked on ever decreasing circles and then she re-joined the herd. Chris went and got Love and Tower to return them to the herd for the night. Now time for Sunday dinner!!
20th August 2012
Another overcast drizzly start but soon turned out nice, sunny and warm. Checked the horses, they were adjacent to the school so that was nice and easy!! Robert came up and started to clear the under growth from around the stables. Chris and I got on with doing some work with Sweetpea. She is coming really very well. Mary came up and watched us working Sweetpea for a while. Whilst Chris put Sweetpea back into the herd and bought in Dougal Mary made a cuppa and Robert joined us. We long lined Dougal around the school and Mary had a go, we then tacked him up and drove him around the school pulling the tyre. Put him back into the herd and It was then time to bring Flo in. Chris lunged her for a bit then we put her into the saddlechariot familiarising her with the quick release, as usual she only went about three paces after she was released. We returned her to the herd as I had to pop into town to pick up a few bits before some people came to look at Fergus. They were here for quite a while, they bought him in groomed him, tacked him up and rode him around the school, they then went off up the Crug. They seemed to really love him. They left and it was time to bring Flo in for her second session. This time we put her into the iBex and practised her ever decreasing circles again. I returned her to the herd then indoors as it was my turn to prepare dinner as Pam was working late.
21st August 2012
Showers on and off all day. Checked the horses then worked Flo, Sweetpea and Dougal in the school. Mary long lined Sweetpea around the school for a bit. Sally came up and worked Winnie then rode Roh. I started to work Flo in the field with the iBex. The breaching pushing on her when I ask her to stop is giving her something to think about. Doesn't sound a lot but did take all day.
22nd August 2012
Drizzly start then heavy showers. Managed to do all the outside work in the dry!! Checked all the horses and bought Flo out of the field and worked her on and off all day, sometimes in the school and sometimes in the field. I worked her in the field in the saddlechariot. Made a new Horse Agility obstacle for this weekends competition. Worked Dougal in the school with Flo watching, he is a much slower, steadier horse than Flo!! Chris long lined Sweetpea around the school a few times then we tacked her up and in a very short while she was happy pulling the tyre around the school. Allowing Flo to graze around the yard and doing quite a lot of 10-15 minute sessions with her always ending on a positive note she improved vastly throughout the day. She very rarely puts a foot wrong but sometimes doesn't quite understand the question.
23rd August 2012
A reasonable day although a bit overcast. Checked the horses, they are all very happy and there seems to be a flush of new grass!! Mary came up and I bought Kevin in, I did some basic ground work with him. I am going to get him ready to drive the saddlechariot and iBex. We are now working Flo, Dougal, Sweetpea and Kevin. Once I had finished Kevin we returned him to the herd and bought Dougal out, we worked him for a while then returned him to the herd and bought Sweepea in. Mary long lined her, we put all her harness on to get her to pull the tyre around the school a few times which she is now comfortable and familiar with. We returned her to the herd and Chris bought Flo in. I drove her around the field in the saddlechariot a few times, she has got the gist of this now. I let her have a munch on the grass around the yard while I had some lunch. After lunch I took Flo for a walk down the lane and on the way back Chris took her around the agility course, up to the school where I tacked her up and took her into the field and drove her around in the saddlechariot. I untacked her and decided to take her for a ride in the trailer, we went around the field a few times then up the lane and unloaded her, this was her first ride and she coped very well. We then put her back into the herd. The end to another busy, good day!!
24th August 2012
Yuk, yuk, yuk and yuk all day!! Checked the horses then off to town. When I got back we bought in Ash trimmed her feet and did a bit of ground work with her. Time for lunch. Finished lunch and bought in Dougal, Chris gave him a good groom then she long lined him down the lane and back through the field, I then lunged him, Chris did some work with him off line. While he was in I tidied up his back feet. Put him back into the herd and I bought Flo in. Didn't do a lot with her today, I groomed her and gave her feathers a good wash to get rid of all that mud, probably a waste of time but at least she was clean and fresh for a while!! We returned her to the herd who must have known a storm was coming as they all appeared to manicly try and get into the right field, I guess for the shelter. Flo and Frodo were oblivious to what was going on and continued to graze!! I decided I had been cold and wet enough for one day and went into the warm.
25th August 2012
A misty dull start this morning more like October!! What was forecast as being a terrible day turned out to be a reasonably good one. Checked all the horses and then worked Flo, returned her to the herd and then worked Dougal. Time for lunch. After lunch I prepared a couple of obstacles for tomorrows Horse Agility. Spent the rest of the day sawing logs ready for the winter!!
26th August 2012
At last a lovely dry, warm day. Up nice and early to get the Agility Course set up. Checked the horses and they were dotted everywhere enjoying the sun. Carol and Mandy arrived so we all had a cuppa then off to get horses. Chris bought in Flo, Mandy got William, Carol gave Love the day off and fetched in Ash, Chris got Dougal for Pam and I got Mel. We all went into the Agility field and had some practice. It was the first time Ash had had a go at Horse Agility, Carol took it nice and slow with lots of encouragement and Ash was very good. Mary turned up which gave us enough numbers to have a competition. The competition went really well with Ash doing most of the obstacles, Mary did very well with Mel and has improved tremendously with a lot looser line. Mandy and William were their usual confident selves, Pam slowly getting the gist of it!! Chris and Flo were doing really well until they got to the seesaw and Flo decided she didn't want to do it regardless of what anybody said!! Mandy and William 1st, Pam and Dougal 2nd, Chris and Flo 3rd with Carol and Ash, Mary and Mel getting a special rosette for a really good effort. Time for a cuppa, biscuit and chat. Chris bought Fergus in and took him for a ride. Mary, Carol and Mandy left. I had lunch then got on with cutting logs. The end to a super day.
27th August 2012
It was wet and not very warm today. Checked the horses, they were all still spread about!! Rob came up and continued clearing the brambles whilst Chris, Mary and I bought in Love, Tower and Roy, we spent the morning getting Tower use to a head collar which Chris slowly put on him, with lots of guidance from me. Mary picked Love's feet, Rob watched during his lunch break. We took the lead line off of Tower while we had a cuppa and lunch. After lunch we put the lead rope back on Tower and Chris and I took it in turns to lead him around the school, he's a super little hero! We then put all 3 of them out and bought Flo in. Chris groomed, long lined, lunged and rode her around the school whilst I made some phone calls. Chris then tacked her up in her driving harness and we levelled out the school. Time for me to do dinner as it was Pam's late night.
28th August 2012
Not as good a day as forecast, a couple of really heavy showers. Checked all the horses then popped into town and spent most of the morning sorting things out. By the time I got back Chris was ready to take Fergus for a hack. Had a cuppa and bought Flo in. Spent the afternoon working with her in the agility field and school, a good general walk about munching on the hedgerow, tidied up her feet finishing off by driving her around the field with the saddlechariot. She is starting to build muscle and getting a good shape.
29th August 2012
Another wet day with a couple of hours of summer towards the end. Checked all the horses and then bought Love, Roy and Tower in to continue with Towers head collar familiarisation. Off to look at a clients horse. When I got back it was time to take Fergus to his new home. He travelled really well and very quickly made himself at home. By the time we got back it was getting dark, we checked the horses and time for dinner.
30th August 2012
A dry but colder and windier day, I guess you can't have it all!!! Checked all the horses then bought Love and Tower in to continue with his familiarisation, he really is getting the gist now, we then let them back into the herd. Mary came up and Chris went to get Sweetpea. Tower had got into the pond area she rang me to give her a hand to get him out, I decided it would be easier to open the gate and let them all in to have a good munch on all the herby things. Once we had opened all the gaps a lot of the horses went straight in and Chris continued to get Sweetpea who was as far away as possible!! We long lined, lunged and trotted her around the school for a while, we returned her to the herd and Sally turned up to do a bit with Winnie and Roh in the school by which time the wind had picked up and the school was a bit rattly and they were finding it hard to concentrate. I went into town to do a few odd jobs, by the time I got back Sally had finished with Winnie and Roh and returned them to the herd. I decided to do a bit with Nounnat so Chris went and got her while Sally and I had a chat. We gave her a good groom and picked her feet and then long lined her to see how good her steering mechanism was....I'm not sure whether she had a bit or has been bitless, tried her bitless and her steering was perfect but her brakes were rubbish!!! Tried a few different bits none of which improved her brakes!!! Lots of fiddling and adjusting things, Sally had a go at long lining her but she was finding the windy conditions very distracting so we untacked her, gave her a fuss and returned her to the herd, we will continue with this tomorrow. Sally went home and I chopped some wood ready for the cold evening ahead. I went to get Flo and she was far too interested in the lush vegetation around the pond, the wind was howling and it was getting pretty cold plus it was my turn to cook dinner yet again!!!!
31st August 2012
A chilly start but turned out a really nice day. Checked the herd, they were well spread about with a few of them still in the pond area munching on the remains of the cow parsley. Spent the next 15 minutes looking for Frodo, he was nowhere to be seen, on glancing back to the top of the hill there he was, looking at me, he must have been hiding somewhere!!! Bought in Love and Tower, Chris carried on with Tower's morning routine whilst I got on with some office work. We then returned them to the herd and bought in Sweetpea. Chris gave her a good groom and we then did some ground work in the school, then decided to long line her down the lane, but she wasn't going to have any of it. Chris led her and I drove her and with lots of gentle encouragement we managed to get her down to the gate, as usual, like most horses it wasn't a problem getting her back to the school, I then decided to take her straight up to the stables instead of turning her towards the school, yet again teddies out of the cot! so Chris went back to her head, up to the stables around the top yard and back down, into and around the school she was as happy as larry!! decided to long line her out of the school again and once again there was absolutely no way she was going to be long lined out of the school. I led her in and out and away from the school at different distances absolutely no problem whatsoever, tried driving her from behind and she definitely wasn't going to do it, Chris went back to her head, out of the door and down the lane a bit then back into the school, around the school with the door open and she would go nowhere near it, once the door was closed she would long line straight pass it, after a couple of positive laps we untacked her and returned her to the herd. I'm sure after more work and re-assurance we will overcome this hiccup. Time for a cuppa. I then went and bought Flo in via the agility field doing most of the obstacles. Bought her back to the school up the lane allowing her to have a munch on hazel and ash which at the moment are her favourites. Into the school gave her a good groom then Chris rode her bare back. We tacked her up and long lined her, around the school a few times and then Chris took over and I decided she should long line her through the door and down the lane. Low and behold she was hesitant to go through the door but with some gentle encouragement from behind Chris got her through the door and away she went . Down to the wooden gate, up to the stables and back to the school. I then took over and took her around the school a few times, untacked her and returned her to the herd. After all this walking it was time for another cuppa!! Bought in Nounnat, gave her a groom and a fuss as she is still quite nervous, Chris lunged her which she had obviously done before, we popped her over the jump a few times which she had clearly done many times. We then tried a different selection of bits none of which she seemed to truly understand, tried a different bitless bridle which she seemed to be a bit happier with but still not totally familiar. Took the bridle off and did some ground work on a long line and then returned her to the herd. Bought Love in to give her a groom. Time to call it a day.
Not as good a day as forecast, a couple of really heavy showers. Checked all the horses then popped into town and spent most of the morning sorting things out. By the time I got back Chris was ready to take Fergus for a hack. Had a cuppa and bought Flo in. Spent the afternoon working with her in the agility field and school, a good general walk about munching on the hedgerow, tidied up her feet finishing off by driving her around the field with the saddlechariot. She is starting to build muscle and getting a good shape.
29th August 2012
Another wet day with a couple of hours of summer towards the end. Checked all the horses and then bought Love, Roy and Tower in to continue with Towers head collar familiarisation. Off to look at a clients horse. When I got back it was time to take Fergus to his new home. He travelled really well and very quickly made himself at home. By the time we got back it was getting dark, we checked the horses and time for dinner.
30th August 2012
A dry but colder and windier day, I guess you can't have it all!!! Checked all the horses then bought Love and Tower in to continue with his familiarisation, he really is getting the gist now, we then let them back into the herd. Mary came up and Chris went to get Sweetpea. Tower had got into the pond area she rang me to give her a hand to get him out, I decided it would be easier to open the gate and let them all in to have a good munch on all the herby things. Once we had opened all the gaps a lot of the horses went straight in and Chris continued to get Sweetpea who was as far away as possible!! We long lined, lunged and trotted her around the school for a while, we returned her to the herd and Sally turned up to do a bit with Winnie and Roh in the school by which time the wind had picked up and the school was a bit rattly and they were finding it hard to concentrate. I went into town to do a few odd jobs, by the time I got back Sally had finished with Winnie and Roh and returned them to the herd. I decided to do a bit with Nounnat so Chris went and got her while Sally and I had a chat. We gave her a good groom and picked her feet and then long lined her to see how good her steering mechanism was....I'm not sure whether she had a bit or has been bitless, tried her bitless and her steering was perfect but her brakes were rubbish!!! Tried a few different bits none of which improved her brakes!!! Lots of fiddling and adjusting things, Sally had a go at long lining her but she was finding the windy conditions very distracting so we untacked her, gave her a fuss and returned her to the herd, we will continue with this tomorrow. Sally went home and I chopped some wood ready for the cold evening ahead. I went to get Flo and she was far too interested in the lush vegetation around the pond, the wind was howling and it was getting pretty cold plus it was my turn to cook dinner yet again!!!!
31st August 2012
A chilly start but turned out a really nice day. Checked the herd, they were well spread about with a few of them still in the pond area munching on the remains of the cow parsley. Spent the next 15 minutes looking for Frodo, he was nowhere to be seen, on glancing back to the top of the hill there he was, looking at me, he must have been hiding somewhere!!! Bought in Love and Tower, Chris carried on with Tower's morning routine whilst I got on with some office work. We then returned them to the herd and bought in Sweetpea. Chris gave her a good groom and we then did some ground work in the school, then decided to long line her down the lane, but she wasn't going to have any of it. Chris led her and I drove her and with lots of gentle encouragement we managed to get her down to the gate, as usual, like most horses it wasn't a problem getting her back to the school, I then decided to take her straight up to the stables instead of turning her towards the school, yet again teddies out of the cot! so Chris went back to her head, up to the stables around the top yard and back down, into and around the school she was as happy as larry!! decided to long line her out of the school again and once again there was absolutely no way she was going to be long lined out of the school. I led her in and out and away from the school at different distances absolutely no problem whatsoever, tried driving her from behind and she definitely wasn't going to do it, Chris went back to her head, out of the door and down the lane a bit then back into the school, around the school with the door open and she would go nowhere near it, once the door was closed she would long line straight pass it, after a couple of positive laps we untacked her and returned her to the herd. I'm sure after more work and re-assurance we will overcome this hiccup. Time for a cuppa. I then went and bought Flo in via the agility field doing most of the obstacles. Bought her back to the school up the lane allowing her to have a munch on hazel and ash which at the moment are her favourites. Into the school gave her a good groom then Chris rode her bare back. We tacked her up and long lined her, around the school a few times and then Chris took over and I decided she should long line her through the door and down the lane. Low and behold she was hesitant to go through the door but with some gentle encouragement from behind Chris got her through the door and away she went . Down to the wooden gate, up to the stables and back to the school. I then took over and took her around the school a few times, untacked her and returned her to the herd. After all this walking it was time for another cuppa!! Bought in Nounnat, gave her a groom and a fuss as she is still quite nervous, Chris lunged her which she had obviously done before, we popped her over the jump a few times which she had clearly done many times. We then tried a different selection of bits none of which she seemed to truly understand, tried a different bitless bridle which she seemed to be a bit happier with but still not totally familiar. Took the bridle off and did some ground work on a long line and then returned her to the herd. Bought Love in to give her a groom. Time to call it a day.
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