Our Saddlechariot book is now closed until 2025. when they reopen next year prices may change.
Just a reminder, if you purchase a secondhand saddlechariot/iBex, it could cost more than a brand new one - once its been upgraded to today's standard.
We can buy back saddlechariots if your looking to sell them. Email Nick Sanders at [email protected]
If you buy a brand new saddlechariot a manual is included with it.
If you buy a secondhand saddlechariot and it doesn't come with a manual then we can provide one at the following costs -
If sent by email £4 or can post for £10, this is cover our costs.
If you buy a secondhand saddlechariot and it doesn't come with a manual then we can provide one at the following costs -
If sent by email £4 or can post for £10, this is cover our costs.
Observation of Foals born in the herd
Over the many years I have kept horses the vast amount I’ve learnt has been from the horse, for many years I have observed foals being born and reared in a herd environment on my own yard of 41 acres. In the first year I would have removed the stallion prior to foaling but then realized that this would not have happened in the wild so decided to leave the stallion in the following year not knowing what was going to happen in this reasonably small environment.
I observed this year that when the mares visited the stallion the resident herd of mares, foals and geldings would move to one corner leaving the stallion and visiting mares alone, the stallion would stay with the visiting mares for 2 or 3 days or until they had all been served, at this point they would all join the main herd, all the resident mares were in foal and most of the time harmony prevailed.
When the first mare foaled she would find her own space within the field to foal and for around 7 days would not mix with the herd or leave the foal this strengthened their bond in sight, smell and sound, enabling them to find their mother no matter where they were, at this point the foal would introduce itself gradually to the herd, I observed that quite often one of the other horses would almost be acting as a nanny. After 2 or 3 weeks the foal would spend more time with the stallion and the other horses returning to the mare for food or extra special comfort.
This was certainly the case for the majority of our mares with one exception, we have one mare on the yard with poor eyesight in her right eye, in this instance two of the bigger horses, one mare and one gelding appeared to be her bodyguards from the moment she gave birth, standing a short distance from her but making sure nothing else came into that space, when she went to go across the field to have a drink one would go in front to move the other horses and one would be behind, very early in the foals life she had a permanent nanny and 2yrs on they still spend a lot of time together.
My belief is they learn as much from the stallion as they do from their mother, they learn what they can do and get away with.
If you have any observations of your own and would like to comment please go to our forum
I observed this year that when the mares visited the stallion the resident herd of mares, foals and geldings would move to one corner leaving the stallion and visiting mares alone, the stallion would stay with the visiting mares for 2 or 3 days or until they had all been served, at this point they would all join the main herd, all the resident mares were in foal and most of the time harmony prevailed.
When the first mare foaled she would find her own space within the field to foal and for around 7 days would not mix with the herd or leave the foal this strengthened their bond in sight, smell and sound, enabling them to find their mother no matter where they were, at this point the foal would introduce itself gradually to the herd, I observed that quite often one of the other horses would almost be acting as a nanny. After 2 or 3 weeks the foal would spend more time with the stallion and the other horses returning to the mare for food or extra special comfort.
This was certainly the case for the majority of our mares with one exception, we have one mare on the yard with poor eyesight in her right eye, in this instance two of the bigger horses, one mare and one gelding appeared to be her bodyguards from the moment she gave birth, standing a short distance from her but making sure nothing else came into that space, when she went to go across the field to have a drink one would go in front to move the other horses and one would be behind, very early in the foals life she had a permanent nanny and 2yrs on they still spend a lot of time together.
My belief is they learn as much from the stallion as they do from their mother, they learn what they can do and get away with.
If you have any observations of your own and would like to comment please go to our forum
Due to the increase of costs over the last year we have no choice but to increase the price of the Saddlechariot.
Any orders received by September 30th 2021 and deposit paid will be at the current price.
As of 1st October 2021 prices will be as followed:
Saddlechariot 33" - 10.3hh £1370
11hh and over £1520
We have done our best to keep the increase to a minimum.
Any orders received by September 30th 2021 and deposit paid will be at the current price.
As of 1st October 2021 prices will be as followed:
Saddlechariot 33" - 10.3hh £1370
11hh and over £1520
We have done our best to keep the increase to a minimum.
WA woman explores the bush in her wheelchair-friendly horse and cart
We got this iBex made and just made it to the ship before the first lockdown, lots of conversations by e-mail and phone to make sure it was exactly as the customer wanted. Really nice to see it being used. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-05/wheelchair-horse-chariot-/100187740?utm_source=abc_news_web&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_web
Spring is just around the corner, the horses are now finding a nibble of grass so a lot less poo on the yards which makes life a bit easier. We've spent a lot of time this winter getting our polytunnel ready and our deep beds made so we'll have a good crop of veg, plenty of flowers for the bees, got Tower and Roy in ready to be backed, doing really well, got the farrier on Wednesday for the first time for them, come summer they'll be ready for schooling, lots of other things going on in these funny times, I've only left the yard a couple of times in the last 13 months. saddlechariot business has been brisk give me something else to do.
Winter's upon us, one of our busiest times, we got through the storm with minimal damage but a challenge to put hay in the feeders outside, as the wind kept giving it back to us. All our horses including our retirements are looking good, will put more pictures up of winter horses at the weekend, we continue to make saddlechariots and ibex and have enquiries from many different locations in the world, from Switzerland to Australia. Hope your all keeping safe.
Retirement livery available
We can offer retirement livery here at Rowanoak, which is based in the Brecon Beacons National Park. We have a herd of 18 horses varying in breeds and ages. They would become part of the herd, being introduced slowly at their own pace.
There is at least 1 person on the yard 24 hours a day and I check on a regular basis throughout the day. We can cater for all their needs. We have a block of 9 stables if they should be needed. A majority of the horses live out all year round having access to hay throughout the winter months. All our horses are barefoot so we ask that shoes are removed before coming. Customer Reviews are Available on request. Please contact Nick on 07870765018 or email him at: [email protected] with your requirements and to discuss a plan etc. The Hard SurfaceWell it's taken a while but after all the hard work and the waiting it's finally finished. The horses are able to use it again. No more standing in mud.

Come and have a great day at Rowanoak with Nick and his horses.
Play with horses.
Have a go at Horse Agility.
Drive the iBex (mk1), a fun 3 wheeled vehicle and the
saddlechariot BB
Meet the herd and Oliver, our stallion.
Watch the horses being horses and listen to Nick’s comments on why certain things happen, this is his opinion after many years of observing them and of course this is open for discussion. We can all learn from other peoples experiences.
Have a wander around the farm with Nick talking about all the benefits to the horse and their health of the wild foliage and herbs that the horses can eat from the hedgerows giving their diet a natural balance. If they have access to these they are far better at deciding what they need than we will ever be. You will be given notes on herbs.
Listen to Nick on his opinions of horsemanship and of course if you have any questions ask them and Nick will do his best to answer.
We guarantee you will go away with something to think about.
You do not have to be a rider, driver or even a horse owner to enjoy this day, you just need to love and want to learn more about our equine friends.
Bring your own lunch and suitable footwear and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty!!
Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be supplied throughout the day.
Day starts at 10am and will finish at the end!!
It will only cost you £45.00 per person.
Come and have a great day at Rowanoak with Nick and his horses.
Play with horses.
Have a go at Horse Agility.
Drive the iBex (mk1), a fun 3 wheeled vehicle and the
saddlechariot BB
Meet the herd and Oliver, our stallion.
Watch the horses being horses and listen to Nick’s comments on why certain things happen, this is his opinion after many years of observing them and of course this is open for discussion. We can all learn from other peoples experiences.
Have a wander around the farm with Nick talking about all the benefits to the horse and their health of the wild foliage and herbs that the horses can eat from the hedgerows giving their diet a natural balance. If they have access to these they are far better at deciding what they need than we will ever be. You will be given notes on herbs.
Listen to Nick on his opinions of horsemanship and of course if you have any questions ask them and Nick will do his best to answer.
We guarantee you will go away with something to think about.
You do not have to be a rider, driver or even a horse owner to enjoy this day, you just need to love and want to learn more about our equine friends.
Bring your own lunch and suitable footwear and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty!!
Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be supplied throughout the day.
Day starts at 10am and will finish at the end!!
It will only cost you £45.00 per person.
Let horses be horses

Embrace how they feed and behave within their natural environment. Allow the spirit of the horse to guide you. At Rowanoak we aim to provide horses with surroundings in which they feel truly contented. Only when a horse has peace of mind can we hope to build a positive relationship. Horses should be allowed to express themselves freely when introduced to something new. They also need the time and patience to develop at their own pace. We encourage people to build confidence and trust through fun, stimulating play in addition to more disciplined ridden work. Horses are able to move more freely without the constraint of a bit. We promote the use of bitless bridles as a safer, more comfortable alternative for horse and rider. Obedience and co-operation when ridden should be offered willingly if a genuine partnership exists.Too many people have lost touch with their passion for horses through the pressure and expectation of modern riding.
We can offer natural solutions for:Feeding, Riding, Behavioural Problems, Physical Ailments and many more.
Please contact us for helpful advice/to arrange an appointment for details of our natural remedies.
We can offer natural solutions for:Feeding, Riding, Behavioural Problems, Physical Ailments and many more.
Please contact us for helpful advice/to arrange an appointment for details of our natural remedies.
[email protected] 07870765018 [email protected] Site created by Chris Prosser PA
© Copyright 2011 Rowanoak livery. All rights reserved. All Trademarks and Brand names are the property of the respective Owners
© Copyright 2011 Rowanoak livery. All rights reserved. All Trademarks and Brand names are the property of the respective Owners